MDW Applications
Megadata Web

About MDW

MDW is a set of advanced data representation formats and data processing routines and algorithms implemented as a JavaScript library. The technology enables server-based apps & websites to offload volumes of data to be processed, at a dramatically greater speed, inside the Web browser on any client device, displaying the results in a Web format.

MDW enhances the browsers ability to hold, process, and display large volumes of data, which can be processed by the client in offline or online (network-connected) mode.

The MDW includes a full array of tools for sorting, filtering, aggregating, storing, representing, displaying, and analyzing data and for rendering screens, allowing the user to process large files without support from a server.

Big Data Aggregation, Visualization, and Knowledge Harvesting


  • The web system Alisa is used for data visualization and analysis of big (up to 20,000,000 records) data tables.

    Alisa accepts tabular data files in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Tab Separated Values (TSV) formats.


  • The web system Anastasia is used for data visualization and analysis of super big (up to 200,000,000 - 300,000,000 records) data tables.

    Anastasia accepts tabular data files in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Tab Separated Values (TSV) formats.

DNA Tools


  • Codon Usage Calculator Margo.
    Margo accepts one DNA sequence and returns the number and frequency of each codon type. DNA Sequense shold be presented in a FASTA format.


  • DNA Motif Finder Anjela.
    Angjela can search the DNA sequences for a specific motif.
    DNA Sequences shold be presented in a FASTA format.
    You can input your own motifs into this tool to see if they are enriched in your DNA sequence.
    The Motif Format is a simple text format for motifs that is accepted by the program.
    Motif is a plain text (ASCII) format that can be easily created by hand using a text editor (e.g. emacs, vi, TextEdit) or a word processor (e.g. MSWord, but make sure to export it as a plain text file). A text file in MDW Angela motif format can contain more than one motif as illustrated in the example below.

      ["[C*][TC][A*]C[GA][GA][TC*]G[AG]","Hemophilia", 1],
      ["[C*][TC][G*]A[GA][GA][TC*]G[AG]","Hemophilia", 2],
      ["[C*][TC][C*]G[GA][GA][TC*]G[AG]","Hemophilia", 3],
      ["[C*][TC][T*]T[GA][GA][TC*]G[AG]","Hemophilia", 4],
      ["CC[AG]CTGAGGGTG","Neuroma", 1],
      ["CC[CT]CTGAGGGTG","Neuroma", 2]

    This Example is presented by a JavaScript array, which contains two motif arrays.
    Each motif array is a JavaScript array with three elements: Motif itself ("CC[CT]CTGAGGGTG"), Motif Name ("Neuroma"), and Motif Number (2).
    As a result, Anjela displays the motif name as "DISEASE' and the motif number as the stage of this disease.
    Motif Alphabet = ACGT.
    Pattern [CA] means either C or A, * signifies a gap.
    Thus the pattern [AB] [CD*] T matches the six amino acid sequences corresponding to ACT, ADT, AT, BCT, BDT, and BT.


  • VCF File Viewer Alyona.
    This viewer allows you to view and process big (up to 100+ GB) VCF files.
    You can open a VCF file from a local computer or your Google Drive.
    With just a few clicks, you view/print a VCF file from your browser directly and convert it to a CSV file format.


  • DNA Global Alignment Tool Diana.
    Diana can globally align two DNA Sequenses presented in a FASTA format.
    All details can be found in the document Toms Global Alignment

Development Tool


  • WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) Editor is a Megadata Web Editor that allows users to create an interactive Megadata Web Table without a single line of code.

Data Examples

Test Data

If you need some examples of data for testing the MDW applications, you can download the following archived zip file
This Archive contains the following files:
  • Alisa_computers2M.csv - CSV file for testing Alisa
  • Anastasia_computers_8_26M.csv - CSV file for testing Anastasia
  • hs_alt_CHM1_1.1_chr22.fa - FASTA file for testing Margo
  • Anjela_DNA_chr22.fa and Anjela_motifs.txt - FASTA file and motif file (in .txt. format) for testing Anjela
  • ALL.chrX.BI_Beagle.20100804.sites.vcf - VCF file for testing Alyona
  • hs_alt_CHM1_1.1_chr22.fa and hs_ref_GRCh38.p7_chr22.fa - Two FASTA files for testing Diana